Monday, April 13, 2009

My Best Friends!

Toby and Tesia

The best two people in the world! I can go to them for anything. I could not trade the world for them. We spend a bunch of time together and it is just awesome...... Me and Toby met in 3rd grade, I think.... Me and Tesia met in 6th grade. hahaha I have No idea what to say about them... put it this way they are my brother and sister!

I am sick and tired of this.


First off it is really really bad when someone you thought was your best friend isn't!!! I mean I didn't do anything wrong but, apparently I did. Supposedly I am the biggest F***ing Backstabber in the world. Just cause you like Aston Martin doesn't mean you have to correct me on every little thing I say wrong! Ok? and FYI I dislike it when you misspell Lamborghini..... So, either you get over your self or this friendship is over! GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD!